"Neon Genesis Evangelion" is an animation launched by a Japanese animation company in 1995. It is based on the theme of mecha fighting at the end of the world. It tells the story of one day the protagonist was suddenly recruited by a mysterious organization to drive the mecha and fight against unknown enemies. Just like the plot in the animation, the COVID-19 (serious special infectious pneumonia, new crown pneumonia, Wuhan pneumonia) epidemic that broke out from China at the end of 2019 and quickly swept the world has also launched a war that seems to have no end in sight to all mankind , forcing everyone to be careful and prepare for battle with elusive opponents at any time.
In the face of the epidemic, although Taiwan adopted the approach of closing its borders early, which was not as impacted as many other countries, business Special Database activities and people's daily lives were still widely affected: mandatory wearing of masks, social distancing, entering and exiting public places to fill in the form Real contact information, body temperature measurement, hand alcohol disinfection, etc.; insufficient supply of epidemic prevention materials in a short period of time and uneven distribution caused people to rush to buy; in order to reduce people's going out and contact, stores turned to take-out delivery, online ordering and other services.
The government has also begun to actively encourage companies to switch to online work or adjust their working hours to avoid peak traffic hours, and has introduced measures such as "penalty for not cooperating with epidemic prevention measures" and "epidemic prevention care leave". Although confirmed cases have been