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Come Healing of the Spirit - An Interview with Alex Salmond, 9th April 2021

I interviewed Alex Salmond twice, the first interview has long since been deleted.

I was a member of a group of bloggers who had supported Alex in the aftermath of his trial and the subsequent inquiry. We called ourselves The New Media Group to give us a bit of gravitas.

Alex repaid us by allowing each of us an individual interview with him.

The arrangement was that after Alex had held a press conference on April 8th, 2021 we would be able to interview him and we were all given interview slots.

When it was my turn I asked him about COPFS and then about the Holyrood committee system. His answers were very frank, particularly regarding the Crown Agent David Harvie and the Lord Advocate Wolfe. I was thinking 'Wow, he is pulling no punches and getting this all off his chest'.

About half an hour after the interview I got a call. Alex thought his replies might have gone a bit too far, and once he'd reviewed the recording, we might have to do the interview again. The next day sure enough another interview was set up. I told him that he could just delete any of his comments that he didn't want to be published, he chortled and replied 'There would be no interview left'

His answers to my questions remain very pertinent today.

Rest in peace Alex, we will never see your like again.

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